Dear Sir / Madam,
The “SME Consultancy in The Process of COVID-19” was initiated with the cooperation of Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce (GTO), SPARK, GETHAM (Gaziantep Industrial Design and Modelling Center) funded by Qatar Fund for Development.
The main goal of the project is to help small businesses protect their assets during the COVID-19 process and beyond, and help them reorganize and scale up their products and services according to new customer and market needs.
Out of Turkish and Syrian applicant members of Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce, outstanding applications are set to receive consultancy, training and financial support.
Within the scope of the program, 50 businesses will be provided with needs analysis and training, 36 businesses will also benefit from consultancy and financial support.
The introduction visual of the Program, which will be completed in 15 December 2021, is attached.
The basic conditions required to apply to the program are given below.
- Businesses with 3-30 employees,
- Businesses established before 01 January 2019,
- To be registered businesses with the Gaziantep Chamber of Commerce,
- Businesses adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic process,
- Businesses that do not currently benefit from other international funds.
In the selection of the applicant companies, in addition to the basic criteria given above, the current potential, development and employment capacity of the enterprise and its future targets will also be considered.
The application form link to be filled in to apply for the program is given below.
LINK; https://getham.com.tr/getham_basvuru/sirketBasvuruForm-en.html
We kindly ask you to consider sending the application form to ‘spark@getham.com.tr’ in signed and scanned form as well. Application deadline is February 03, 2021.
In addition to the information received in the application form, verification documents or additional documents may be requested by you separately.
The kick off meeting about the project will be held online on 26 January 2021 at 11.00 am by zoom.
Link; https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89112365635?pwd=ZVFRMThzbFZrQUFwRkJCSjdkQWxWUT09
Attachment: 1- Program introduction visual
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